Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations

Kilkattalai-Samithi,Kanchipuram- North,Chennai 600 117


Balvikas Slokas

Brahmarpanam Mantra

Brahmaarpanam Brahma Havir Brahmaagnau Brahmanaa Hutam Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam Brahma Karma Samaadhinaa Aham Vaishvaanaro Bhutvaa Praanimaam Dehamaashritah Praanaapaanasamaa Yuktah Pacaamyannam Caturvidham

Poorvam Ramatapovanadi

மாணவர்கள் கல்வியில் சிறந்து விளங்க, படிப்பு நன்றாக வருவதற்கு, ஹயக்ரீவர் ஸ்லோகம்.
ஞானானந்த மயம் தேவம் நிர்மல ஸ்படிகாக்ருதிம் ஆதாரம் சர்வ வித்யானாம் ஹயக்ரீவம் உபாஸ்மஹே.

Balvikas children to study well and excel, recite this Hayagreeva mantra in the morning and evening.
Gnanananda mayam devam sloka is for Lord Hayagreeva. One who chants this sloka will attain true knowledge of Education, will attain good concentration in Studies, fluency in speech, master in debates, vocabulary and will have very good memory power. Hayagreeva (Hayavadhana or Hayagriva), the lesser known Vishnu Avatar, The Horse Faced God. He is the ocean of knowledge, Wisdom, where Brahma & Goddess Saraswathi risides. He is the Four form of Veda, viz. Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Vedas. He is worshipped as the God of knowledge and wisdom. He is the one who taught knowledge to Goddess Saraswati. With a human body and a horse's head, brilliant white in color, with white garments and seated on a white lotus. Hayagriva is celebrated in the Puranas for rescuing the Vedas from the demons Madhu and Kaitabha and teaching them again to Brahma. He protects all creatures. Without his grace, we cannot obtain good knowledge.

Om, Let us meditate on the glorious Lord Hayagriva ,Who is the embodiment of Sri Maha Vishnu. May that great Vagishwara, the Lord of Speech, inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.

Group - 1

Stotras / ஸ்தோத்ரம்

Omkram Bindu Samyuktham Omkaram Bindu Samyuktam Nityam Dhyayanti Yoginah Kamadam Mokshadam Chaiva Omkaraya Namo Namah ॐकारं बिंदुसंयुक्तं नित्यं ध्यायंति योगिनः ।
कामदं मोक्षदं चैव ॐकाराय नमो नमः
Meaning:- Salutations to Him) Who resides In the Spiritual Heart Center as Omkara, On Whom the Yogis Constantly Meditate, Who Grants All Desires and also Liberation to His Devotees.
Salutations to that Shiva, Who is represented by syllable "Om".

Guru Brahma/குரு பிரம்மா
குரு பிரம்மா குரு விஷ்ணு
குரு தேவோ மகேஸ்வர;
குரு சாஷாத் பரப்பிரம்மா
தஸ்மை ஸ்ரீகுருவே நமஹ
Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwarah
Guru Saakshaat Para brahma
Tasmai Shri Guruveh Namaha

Vakrathunda Mahakaya

वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर ्यकोटिभ< निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्समप्रयेषदा< Meaning :- "O lord with the twisted trunk, with the effulgence of a billion suns, always remove the obstacles when I am on an auspicious undertaking."

Before getting down from the bed, placing our feet on the floor

Bhooma devi

Samudra Vasane Devi  
समुद्रवसने देवि
Bhoomi Devi
Bhoomi Devi
समुद्रवसने देवि पर्वतस्तनमण्डले ।
विष्णुपत्नि नमस्तुभ्यं पादस्पर्शं क् षमस्वमे ॥

Samudra-Vasane Devi Parvata-Stana-Mannddale |
Vissnnu-Patni Namas-Tubhyam Paada-Sparsham Kssamasva-Me ||
1: (Oh Mother Earth) O Devi, You Who have the Ocean as Your Garments, and Mountains as Your Bosom,
2: O Consort of Lord Vishnu, Salutations to You; Please Forgive my Touch of the Feet (on Earth, which is Your Holy Body).


Paramam Pavithram Baba Vibhuthim Paramam Vichithram Leela Vibhuthim Paramaartha Ishtaartha Moksha Pradhaanam Baba Vibhuthim Idham Asrayami Sacred Ash, Miraculous, Baba's Creation Flowing From His Blessed Hand, Holy Creation Granting Us The Greatest Wealth, God's Divine Protection Beloved Baba, Grant Us Liberation OR Baba's Vibhuti which is most sacred; Vibhuti whose miraculous powers has worked wonders in the lives of devotees, Vibhuti which has the potency to fulfil all spiritual aspirations and even granting liberation from ignorance, misery and death - that most sacred Vibhuti, I take as Divine Gift (prasadam) from Baba and surrender myself to Him.

Night Thanks giving Prayer

Karacharana Krtam Vaakkaayajam Karmajam Vaa, Shravananayanajam Vaa Maanasam Vaaparaadham, Vihitamavihitam Vaa Sarvametatkshamasva, Jaya Jaya Karunaabdhe Shri Mahaadeva Shambho करचरण कृतं वाक्कायजं कर्मजं वा । श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसं वापराधं । विहितमविहितं वा सर्वमेतत्क्षमस्व । जय जय करुणाब्धे श्रीमहादेव शम्भो ॥ Meaning: "O God, kindly pardon my incorrect actions done consciously or unconsciously, either through my organs of action (hand, feet, and speech) or through my organs of perception (eyes, ears) or by my mind. I adore the God, who is the ocean of kindness". By God's grace, we have completed one more day of our life. So, in order to thank god and to ask for his mercy, one can recite this Sloka. This bedtime Sloka is a prayer to God asking him to excuse our mistakes and maintain his mercy on us.

02-05-2020 Bhajan Song Jai jai hanuman Bhajan song